German Boys needing host families

First name, Last initial Year Born Interests and Hobbies
 Bjarne S. 2007 Soccer, watch sports, interested in football and rugby, hike, nature, swim, music, PE, biology, German, history, wants to be journalist
 Jona B. 2007  Soccer, darts, video games, movies, outdoors, lake, swim, PE, English, French
 Joathan J. 2007  Martial arts (kickbox, box, karate), piano, guitar, video games, read, workout, trampoline, physics, programming, PE, economics, wants to work in IT or economy
 Julius R. 2007  Soccer, darts, swim, gym, lift weights, bike, music, video games, politics, economics, English, geography, wants to be policeman or work in politics
Tom B. 2007  Handball, watching soccer, lake, nature, eat at restaurants, beach VB, paddle boat, bike, movies, TV, music, game night, economics, English, PE, wants to work in economy 
 Ivo W. 2008  Soccer, gym, garden, rap music, politics, economics, English, PE, wants to be an landscape architect 
 Mathis J. 2008  Basketball, fishing club, watch soccer, gym, bike, video games, rap music, PE, English, wants to do media creation
 Paul G. 2008  Downhill biking, soccer, ski, music, PE, French, politics
 Tim N. 2008  Soccer, basketball, watch handball, rap music, go to the city, photos for instagram, PE, economics